Well, the pain from PF I felt during the race a month ago wasn't just from use and I have been forced to give up running, for now. Which, despite the fact that running isn't fun for me unless I am racing, has left me a little miffed. And I am forced to give up on the race I was supposed to run in July. Mark is now running two half marathons in about 12 hours. It should be awesome and interesting. I will have to be a cheerleader, which will be okay, but I really would like another medal. ;)
So, in the meantime, I need to figure out something to keep me in shape for when I can run. And, I really need to ramp up my weight loss. Right now I am stalled out at 20 pounds lost. So, the plan is two-fold. First, I am restarting the Ripped In 30 program. I will be doing it Monday-Friday for 4 weeks. AND, I will also be walking for almost 20 miles a week. The second part of my plan is to go on a (mostly) plant based diet. Our garden is finally going enough to give us lettuce and beets. Soon, there should be strawberries, peas, beans, tomatoes, broccoli, and carrots. Maybe even peppers. All organic, of course. Either way, I can still eat salads twice a day. My plan is to try to get to 10+ servings a day. And to very limit dairy and eggs. No meat. And only one serving of carbs a day. In the past, when we have gone vegetarian, we have actually gone carbatarian. To lose weight, I can't do that again.
So, here we go. Wish me luck!