When my friend
Josh contacted me to ask if I would be willing to share my running story with Weber In Motion (a group of women who are training for the Ogden Half Marathon or 5k with BMIs over 30), I jumped at the chance. For one, I love public speaking. For two, I could be a member of the group (hopefully not for much longer...). And there is something about sharing your journey that motivates you to do better. It was the perfect thing to get me out of my running slum I have been in.
Josh and I with Weber in Motion. |
So Wednesday night, Josh and I shared our running stories. It was an awesome experience. You could feel how nervous they all were for the task they were training for, but who isn't. This next race will be my second half and I am nervous (like lay awake at night and worry, but that is a different story). Maybe when you stop getting nervous, you stop trying so hard?
I know in my experience preparing for my first half, I read as many stories as I could find about how other's first half marathons went. I soaked in their knowledge and set my goals for the race based on what other people said about themselves. I know that it made my race much more enjoyable knowing a little about what was coming and having realistic goals. I just hope that sharing my experience and story motivated those women as much as the stories I read motivated me.
The necessary silly picture. |
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Here on this blog, everyone is a friend. I would love to read what you have to say, just keep it polite and clean. And may the run be with you.