Before I was a runner, I went to several races to cheer on my running friends. This weekend marked the first race that I went to since I became a runner that I wasn't running in the race. Since I ran the Salt Lake Marathon, Mark got to run this weekend's Provo Half Marathon. We spent the night in Provo so Mark could be at the race by 5 AM (Not an error. He really had to be there that early). Addison and I got up and was at the race just in time to miss the first couple of runners that finished the half, but it we still saw a large portion of the race. Armed with my race signs, Addison and I were able to cheer on almost every one of our running group finishers. That is a pretty amazing experience.
You know what I have seen as a race spectator that I miss sometimes as a racer? I see family and friends who stand for long periods of time cheering on every single runner that passes them. I see kids wanting a simple high-five from the runners, all of them in awe of each passing racer. I see people who took time out of their lives to make race signs. Every race sign is amazing. I watched all the security, race workers, photographers, and all the people who go into making a race great doing little things to make sure each runner has a great experience. I think sometimes as a runner we miss all the little things as we chase our PR's and goal times, but, for me, I am always grateful for my time on the other side of the race. That is when I realize how grateful I am to every person who is there to make sure my races are an awesome experience.
Here is a look into Mark's race experience through pictures:
Mark, Meridith, Josh, and Becca riding the bus to the top. |
The Run Aways ready to run a 2:10 (or under) race. |
Mark coming to give Addison and I a high-five before heading off to his 2:05:21.77 PR! |
I really strongly feel that if you are not running, you should be waving race signs. Here are mine. And I was photo-bombed by Monte. |
The Run Aways post race. Many achieved a PR! I love our running group. |
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Here on this blog, everyone is a friend. I would love to read what you have to say, just keep it polite and clean. And may the run be with you.