January 25 was a big day for us. We celebrated little Addison's 3rd birthday AND she got to run her first 5k with us. We specifically chose the "No Snow" Indoor 5k hosted by Habitat for Humanity because it is a fun run, which of course means informal. And, you run a loop 4 times, which means if Addison got bored, we could leave the course and eat pancakes while Daddy finished his run. Plus, it only cost us $20 for the 3 of us, and we got shirts! What a deal!
This is the second year Mark and I have done this race. It was
our first ever 5k last year. It was the perfect race to run as our first. And, just like last year, we got
Susette and
Josh to run it with us again. Susette, being the machine that she is, was deep into her training for a 100 miler (no, that isn't a typo) and Josh is in perpetual training for one race or another, so both of them showed up early to get in 12-15 miles. I joined in with them and ran 3 before the race so I could run with Addison and Mark could do his thing during the race.
And we are OFF! Addison happily running. |
By time the race started, I had done my 3 miles, Mark had walked Addison around the course, and Susette and Josh were on mile 6 or 7 (nope, not a typo). Addison had a great time running, until it was time to turn around and go back the way we came to finish the loop. Then, there was no moving. She found a Mt. Dew soda machine and was insisting we get one (no clue where she could have learned that Me. Dew is delicious...). Just in time, Daddy was coming back on loop two and Addison forgot about the soda and started chasing him. I was able to stop him long enough to get the car keys to go get a money in case we "needed" a soda to talk her into another lap. So we made it back and then she wanted me to run with her on my shoulders, so we headed out on lap two. We did most of the lap that way, until my neck was FREAKING and my legs were dying. Then she decided that she could run some more. But as we were finishing lap two, Addison spied the pancake breakfast and decided 1.5 miles was enough for her. So we stopped at 30 minutes.
Addison loved the juice and pancakes, I enjoyed a dose of ibuprofen with my breakfast, Josh ate a little and headed back out to get in 12 miles, and Mark quit before 3 miles because his knee was hurting. All in all, the race was excellent. It is well organized, there is a raffle at the end, and best of all, it is cheap. I can't wait until we do it again next year.
What a great day to run with such great friends. |
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